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Bhavishya Me Free Education School

Running Under Kamalshila Welfare Foundation

About Kamalshila Welfare Foundation

Helping & fulfilling needs of needy people

Kamalshila Welfare Foundation is a non profitable charitable trust registered under Indian trust Act. 1882.
Bhavishya Me was founded in 2011. It’s located in Manjhar Village, approximately 11 kilometers southeast of Bodhgaya.
The school consists of one two-floor brick-and-mortar building including two indoor classrooms on the first floor and an open-air classroom on the second floor.
The school currently has over 100 students and four teachers.
Students learn English, General Knowledge, Hindi, Math, Science and Social Science. Students attend from the nursery to fifth-grade levels.
After school, Kamalshila Welfare Foundation also operates a sewing center where 25 adult women learn to sew.
Kamalshila Welfare Foundation needs funding to operate a daily lunch program, pay teacher salaries and purchase new materials for the students.

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