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Education Children

Over the past 14 years, Kamalshila Welfare Foundation believes in providing all the resources to the needy to support & empower them to create their own fate.
Kamalshila Welfare Foundation, among one of the most active NGO in India, works intensively through focused welfare projects in areas like education for poor
children, healthcare for marginalized and vulnerable communities, community engagement through women empowerment, disaster management, skills
training and livelihood for youth and save the environment. Kamalshila Welfare Foundation.

Kamalshila Welfare Foundation focuses on creating an equitable world regardless of ethnicity, location, religious & sexual orientation by empowering the underprivileged groups. We believe education is the strongest weapon to break the cycle of poverty which can open opportunities for income, growth and sustainable development. Lack of good Educational Facilities is the main cause behind the social challenges that are present in the society today. With this belief, We are running a School Manjhar village, Bihar, India, which is Free of Cost for all underprivileged children. We enrolled around 120 students for this Centre

Lack of quality education has been identified as one of the primary reasons which prevent poverty stricken families to opt for opportunities of growth and development. In this case, underprivileged children are the worst sufferers as without proper education they fail to realize their full potential and unable to contribute to the national development process.

The goal of this project is to tap into the underlying issues of education sector which are making the country fall short in the global competition. This is a unique type of learning center where students will get the environment of a school.
We are very thankful to our precious donors and volunteers who supported us in making this dream come true. Now, Manjhar school learning center is operational and we are planning to come up with a special preparatory classes for board exams, so that it will bring down the dropping percentage of under privileged children after tenth standard.