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News & Events

BE Change Helps Schools in Bihar Reopen Safely

  • MARCH 1, 2021

BE Change provided funding for masks and hand sanitizer for schools to reopen safely. Bhavishya Me used BE Change funds to create its own masks at the sewing center that it operates for adult women. Students at Bhavishya Me will attend on alternate days, keeping the schools in compliance with capacity guidelines.

BE Change Provides New Textbooks for 96 Students

  • MARCH 1, 2021

We’re pleased to announce that in April 2021, BE Change foundation provide new textbooks to each of its 96 primary school students! Students received textbooks covering Hindi, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, General Knowledge and more depending on their grade level. Students also received pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers and notebooks. In early April, schools in Bihar were unfortunately ordered to close once again for a one-week period due to nationwide increases in COVID-19 cases — this distribution of school supplies means that students have the tools needed to learn at home during this most recent pandemic-related school closure.
As always, Kamalshila welfare foundation sincerely thanks our Be Change Foundation for their support of children in rural Bihar. Your donations help ensure that children have the tools needed to continue their education amidst the difficult circumstances brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

BE Change Supports a Brand New Meal Program!

  • APRIL 6, 2022

With the support of BE Change and our generous donors, Bhavishya Me Free Education School has launched a new daily meal program for its students!
On April 1st, Bhavishya Me took the next step in its journey to serve its 110 students by providing them with a regular lunch at school for the first time in the school’s history. This program will now feed each student at Bhavishya Me a nutritious vegetarian lunch each school day. The school prepared a special meal and invited locals from nearby Manjhar Village to celebrate the achievement with students, teachers and staff. This new program is funded entirely by BE Change and our generous donors for all of 2022, and we will seek to raise funds to support the program in 2023 during our annual fundraiser at the end of this year.