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How you can help

There are many way to help

A large number of donors and supporters of Kamalshila Welfare Foundation are individuals. Impressed by the care and quality of the services rendered to the children,
they continue to support us. Our boys reside there today. There are many examples of people from various walks of life who chip in to support in their own unique way.
You can think of your own way to make a difference!

Sponsor a Child

Sponsoring a child means sharing joy. It’s the joy of helping a child break free from poverty to create a life of health, safety, and a bright future! It’s the joy of showing God’s love to a child full of potential. Every child deserves a happy & prosperous life.Irrespective of economic status, every children has the right to education.But to many children right here in our country aren't getting the opportunity to reach their full potential .many children are not getting education not because they are unwilling but because their families cannot afford their books, uniforms and academic fee.


Make Donation

Every penny donated makes a huge difference to the work we do, young children and their families. It literally can mean a case of life or death for some.

While all gifts are gratefully received, a regular donation is best for the charity to be able to plan ahead to achieve its goals in relieving people from poverty.



We would love you to partner with us to help communities, families and children experience a life free from poverty and able to sustain themselves. You can help make a huge difference to these lives. There are so many ways you could help raise much needed funds and at the same time have some fun!.


Volunteers with us

If you love to connect with people, or just want to be involved in a worthy cause, there’s really nothing more satisfying that the volunteering experience – especially if the service is genuine. Volunteering always has a positive impact on the ones being served, and the community – making it a better place to live in. As a volunteer, you are always making new friends, expanding your network, and improving your social skills. And, you get the chance to change lives – for the better!

You know how children need to be nurtured and loved. They thrive on attention, praise, validation, and kindness. Our children are no less. They are differently abled, but they aren’t emotional cripples. Although overcoming the challenge of rejection from their biological parents, with love and care most of them are bouncing back to normalcy. They just love to have visitors! Spending time with them is making a statement that you indeed love and care for them.
