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Disaster Relief

Disaster & Relief

Covid-19 Relief

India has been under restrictions since 25 March 2020 to control Covid-19 pandemic, causing mass layoffs and heavy job losses. Millions of desperate migrant workers, particularly daily-wage earners, facing starvation after losing jobs are fleeing cities on foot to return to their villages. Help promised by state governments in terms of cash transfers and free ration kit distribution has not reached many sections, due to the sheer numbers involved and lack of ration cards with migrant guest workers

In this emergency situation Kamalshila Welfare foundation helped those people who are daily wagers and don’t have any work to do for next 21 days. Kamalshila Welfare foundation distributed Dry Ration Kit to daily wagers' families. These underprivileged families are either E-Rickshaw driver or labor people or rickshaw puller or house maid. This dry ration kit contains 5 KG Atta, 5 kg Rice 1 Kg Dal 2 Kg Potatoes 2 Kg Onions. We tried to support these families while looking 21 days lockdown.

Distribution Of Sanitization Kit

Kamalshila Welfare foundation distributed Santization Kit to daily wagers' families and their children. This santization kit contains a Mask, a Hand Sanitizer and a Hand wash Bottle. The event was aimed to spread awareness about the Novel Corona Virus and about the precautionary measures for the same.

Flood Effected Victims

The erratic weather conditions during monsoons and torrential rain causes cyclones, landslides, floods, flash floods ultimately results in damage to agricultural crops, damage to properties, loss of life, damage to structures, buildings, sewerage system, roadways, power stations and transportation system. The Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river flow. Because of these heavy floods, it causes damage to drinking water supply system which results in water contamination that increases the risk of waterborne diseases such as typhoid, malaria, cryptosporidium, cholera,gastero, diarrhea and many other diseases depending upon the location of the flood.
As a human being our responsibility is to respond back immediately with relief efforts and help the victims of flood victims and provide humanitarian assistance to ease their sufferings. The floods stricken victims are left with nothing to rebuild their lives. The people in these areas suffer not only physical but also emotional distress as well. They have seen their families and neighbors, perhaps even heard them calling for help when they could do nothing. They are left with desperation, as they are expected to start over again with nothing in their hands.

Winter Relief

The Freezing temperatures, heavy snow and chilling winds are putting thousands of families and older people lives in jeopardy as they struggle helplessly to keep their small children and older people warm and sheltered from the harsh winter conditions.These harsh and severe conditions of winter cause the collapse of infrastructure, also causes avalanches, and can pushesthehomeless people in danger. So these poor people are urgently in need of blankets, food, medicine, and emergency shelters in order to protect them from severe winter. Because of extreme poverty they can`t afford to buy material to keep themselves warm. Therefore Kamalshila Welfare Foundation appeals to all of you to support with your generous donations. Your generous support enables us to effectively address the needs of these poverty stricken families and provide winter relief to them.

Together we can make a difference. Your gift of $100 brings blankets and warm clothes to the entire family. You can donate your zakat and sadaqah generously to Kamalshila Welfare Foundation and extend support to the needy people to buy winter relief materials

Natural Calamity

Every part of the world is susceptible to natural disasters and no one knows when and how the natural calamities will strikes the communities. These natural calamities could be earthquakes, cyclones, tsunami, floods and dangerous disease spread outs etc. As a human being our responsibility is to respond back immediately with relief efforts and help the victims of natural disaster and provide humanitarian assistance to ease their sufferings. The disaster stricken victims are left with nothing to rebuild their lives. The people in these areas suffer not only physical but also emotional distress as well. They have seen their families and neighbors, perhaps even heard them calling for help when they could do nothing. They are left with desperation, as they are expected to start over again with nothing in their hands.

Disaster Relief is a way of reaching out to the victimized people in times of their difficulties. You can be a part of it by giving your best in whatever the way you can, help them and bring their life to normalcy

  • Relief shelters

  • Meals

  • Medical camps

  • Drinking Water supply

  • Sanitizing the area

  • Distribution of clothes and blankets

  • Rebuilding of homes